Florin Tănase (30 de ani), mijlocașul de la FCSB, a vorbit la finalul meciului amical cu Hamburg, câștigat cu scorul de 2-1. FCSB a disputat vineri, 10 ianuarie, un meci de pregătire cu Hamburg. Chiar dacă la pauză scorul era 1-0 în favoarea nemților, în repriza scundă roș-albaștrii au marcat două goluri, ambele din penalty, primul a fost marcat de Florin Tănase, iar cel de-al doilea a fost reușita lui Tavi Popescu. ...
The main idea of the text is that FCSB player Florin Tănase is pleased with his team's victory against Hamburg in a friendly match, but he is concerned about an injury suffered by teammate Darius Olaru during the game. Tănase expresses hope that Olaru's injury is not serious and that he can return to the team quickly, emphasizing Olaru's importance to the team's success.
The main idea of the text is that FCSB player Florin Tănase is pleased with his team's victory against Hamburg in a friendly match, but he is concerned about an injury suffered by teammate Darius Olaru during the game. Tănase expresses hope that Olaru's injury is not serious and that he can return to the team quickly, emphasizing Olaru's importance to the team's success.